Those who can see/choose 7_6310 are also set in ESDUS. Those who cannot see/choose 7_6310 have a different variant active in ESDUS.
How can I change ESDUS?
plase read this:
ABAPblog.com - ESDUS, ESRUO - MM settings table - Part 3/3
I thought it was a "last used" entry that SAP stores automatically. If this is correct, I am back to my question. Why can I not select 7_6310 for my layout in MIRO.
Even if I change ESDUS with ABAP code, next time someone selects a different layout, we're back to the same problem. Correct?
As i see it (remember the OSS note i attached above) sometimes this values "disappear".
I guess you cannot select 7_6310 for your layout in MIRO because it has disappeared from table ESDUS.
I believe you could change ESDUS with fm ES_APPEND_USER_SETTINGS (try it please)
Next time someone selects a different layoyt we are not necessarily back to the same problem. Why?
Best regards,