Requirement is to populate two number ranges instead of 1 Field-Low and Field-High.
I have tried adding string but it only accepts on the first screen where you could only enter one number, I need to add 2 ranges.
Code used for 1 Range:
="<a href=\"http://<Server>.com:1080/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui?~transaction=*ZFIZ4 S_RLDNR-LOW=Z4;S_RRCTY-LOW=0;S_RYEAR-LOW="+URLEncode([Prompt Year])+";S_RZZW%256-LOW="+URLEncode([Current Week])+";S_RZZP%252-LOW="+URLEncode([PandL].[WBS Element].[WBS Element - Key])+";S_RACCT-LOW=200000;S_RACCT-HIGH=299999;dynp_okcode=ONLI\" title=\"Click to Drill Down\" target=\"_blank\" nav=\"web\" style='text-decoration:none'>"+[PandL].[WBS Element].[WBS Element - Medium Text]+"</a>"
Requirement & Current screens as per below: